Luanda, Encyclopedic City

New entry amongst the national pavilions at the coming Venice Biennale is the Pavilion of the Republic of Angola. Luanda, Encyclopedic City presents works of young artist Edson Chagas . Curated by Paula Nascimento and Stefano Rabolli Pansera (Beyond Entropy Ltd) As the press release states: The Encyclopedic Palace has been given an impossible task: no building can contain a universal multiplicity of spaces, possibilities, and objects. When a building tends towards the encyclopedic, it becomes a city. The city includes multiple conditions in the coherence of form— even though this is an urban, conflict-ridden form. Edson Chagas focuses on the complexity of Angola’s capital, Luanda, which derives from the presence of unpredictable spaces and the coexistence of irreconcilable programs: city and country, infrastructure and habitations, garbage tips and public spaces. Luanda is an encyclopedic city. How can the knowledge of a city be organized through the taxon...