If you are in Florence or planning a short trip, there is an exhibition definitely worth a visit: Schengen with artists Délio Jasse, Anna Raimondo, Jebila Okongwu. Only few days left as the three-part exhibition, which opened to the public on July 12th, will close this coming Friday at Villa Romana. exhibition view, Jebila Okongwu, Banana Sculpture No. 23 , 2016, bronze (on the left), Délio Jasse, Schengen , 2010, digital print on alu-dibond (on the right). "Schengen examines the limitations of socio-cultural and political borders through a totemic memorialization of the migration of bodies and goods. Drawing upon transnational identity and the blue water of the Mediterranean as fluid conceptions of legality and humanity the works problematize the values instilled by international agreements whose fallen fruits too often die on the vine. The destabilizing of the environmental impact of fading traditions, the evasion of prescribed images of nationalist...