Branching Out For a Green Economy. ShroomStudio' latest work

This short animated film by The Bespoke Film Company, narrated by Sir David Attenborough highlights the importance of the value of living forests in mitigating climate change, the ecosystem services they provide and the future potential of their successful management for the development of a global sustainable green economy. Commissioned by UNEP, as part of the Year of the Forest 2011 campaign, the film opened the UN conference in Nairobi attended by World environment ministers from over 150 countries.
Directed by Natasha Serlin of The Bespoke Film Company, Designed and animated at ShroomStudio. The artwork from the film has been prepared as a style guide to be used by U.N.E.P for the continuing Year of the Forest 2011 posters, book covers, flyer and pamphlets.


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