Is "Utopia for sale?"

Just some images to remember a strong exhibition "Utopia for sale" curated by Hou Hanru at Maxxi in Rome. Opening event on 14th of February 2014.
Amie Siegel, "Lot 248", 2013, HD video (6mins). Courtesy of the artist and Simon Preston Gallery, NY
The show is an homage to American artist Allan Sekula who died few months previous the show. 
Artists: Bernd & Hilla Becher, Noël Burch, Gianni Berengo Gardin, Cao Fei, Libero De Cunzo, Adelita Husni-Bey, Li Liao, Pier Luigi Nervi, Allan Sekula, Amie Siegel. 

Amie Siegel, "Provenance", 2013, HD video (40mins). Courtesy of the artist and Simon Preston Gallery, NY
Li Liao, "Spring Breeze", 2011 (left). Digital video. Courtesy the artist.
"Consumption", 2011 (right). Uniform.
Courtesy Alan Lau Collection, Honk Kong
Cao Fei "Whose Utopia?", 2006. video (20mins) Courtesy the artist and Vitamin Creative Space, Beijing

Cao Fei "Whose Utopia?", 2006. video (20mins) Courtesy the artist and Vitamin Creative Space, Beijing
Gianni Berengo Gardin, 'Il porto di Genova'

Gianni Berengo Gardin, 'Una fabbrica a Genova'
Allan Sekula, 'The Forgotten Space ships'

Pier Luigi Nervi, La cartiera Burgo

Adelita Husni-Bey, immagine dal video 'Story of the heavens and our planet'


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